Lyrics and inspiration behind each song:
Love and Fate
“The Love and Fate was originally written for a very close friend, about 20 years ago, who was no longer in love with her husband and asked me if I thought there was ‘real love’. Last year, my daughter asked the same question. I took the lyrics to Love and Fate, which was originally a very slow song and put it into an upbeat tune. Love and Fate was always one of my favorites, but it just didn’t feel right being such a sad song, however it was a keeper being written from the heart. Now that is has some amazing upbeat music, I am happy to share it with the world and anyone that would like to be part of my journey in life!”
Powerful Woman
“I remember sitting at my kitchen table with this common standard beat, just a fun dancing song. The words came to me instantly as I was laughing about my ‘independent life’. It’s a fun song about women who work with steel toe boots/hard hat, but can also dress it up in a classy atmosphere. We are woman that ‘stand out’, that is where the ‘different blood running through my veins’ line came from. I believe in an equal environment and was never a stay at home mom…..all life tasks need to be shared, that is how we get through this life”
Tomorrow’s A Better Day
“This song was written for one of my truest friends. She was going through a very hard time and I would call her everyday, sometimes three times a day. At the end of the call I would say ‘Tomorrow’s a better day’. This gave us the opportunity to at least laugh a little and she would say ‘you’re going to write a song about that’. Songs come out at the strangest times; this one was a long time after our day to day calls. I don’t watch TV often, but while folding laundry, I turned the channel to Opera and it was an episode of ‘Tent city’. There were people who lost there homes and were living in tents. It really touched my heart, I sat down and watched, cried for them and counted my blessings. I just couldn’t imagine and thought we all put our pants on the same way, why is this happening to them? I then remembered my friend and her not ever crying. I would tell her that God gave us tears to cry that is what makes us stronger. My guitar is always by my side……well….out came this song.”
My F-Bucket List
“I was in my hot tub with my sister Cathy, surprisingly enough we were drinking wine! Cathy came over to cheer me up. I had a lot of life challenges on my path and I remember saying ‘I need a bucket list’. Cathy’s reply was, ‘You need a F*@K it list!’ We were laughing so hard, making up all kinds of F-it lists! Then I said, watch, I am definitely going to write a song about this one day….about six months later I was playing my guitar and started laughing thinking about our hot tub. Yup, you guessed it, out came ‘My F-Bucket List’!”
Coal Miner
“I worked in the mining industry as a medic/mine rescue attendant for many years. My co workers were teasing me one day saying that I never wrote a song about a ‘coal miner’. I truly didn’t ever think about it or even knew what to write. One day I sat down, wrote a few lines about what we do in the in the mine and put it into a song.”
911 Rescue Me
“The title 911 was inspired by my sister Cathy. She knows how hard it is to be in this business and she also knows that 9 1 1 = 11, my lucky number. While in Nashville I was telling her about a song in my head. There are only two “real” jobs I have done in my life; saving lives and writing songs, but both of those come with repercussions. I told her I wish I could change who I am. The understanding sister that Cathy is, cheering me up, said you should name it 911! Then we went for lunch with Jan Woods. Jan and I had a heart to heart conversation; she is the angel in this song. Jan said, “Honey, you can’t change what God wants you to be”. When I returned home from Nashville, this is what came out in the song.
I am dedicating this song to all rescuers and song writers, as we can’t change who we are.
My Truck You Song (My F*^$ You Song)
“I do not get angry very often. I’m the type that can take a lot and may or may not let it get to me. That one day, not long after I left my ex husband, I had a phone call from the bank asking why I was moving my mortgage. Funny thing is, I was not……..This song is written and composed fully by me; most tracks from my home studio.
Nobody knows what goes on in a marriage but the two people involved. Sometimes things just don’t work out, that is just the way it is.”
In a Real Country Song
“I pulled this song from my pile of “rough copies”. Back in May 2012, I was visiting my mom and dad in Jaffray. My dad brought up the conversation of dying. Feeling very uncomfortable, I told him I wasn”t okay talking about dying, he was scaring me. His reply was “You don”t have to be afraid of dying, we all know where were going.” He said, “some people don”t believe in God, but it must be lonely without Him”. I would have to say that now I am glad we had that conversation. I told him maybe I should write a song about it? He said, “Ya, but make it a “real country song”. Most of the lyrics are straight from my dad, kind of like he “wrote it”….I just re organized the lyrics and put it in a song.
Dad, I know you are up in Heaven, I will miss you more than words can say. Love you…..
Love is Real
“I was watching a documentary on an amazing singer/song writer artist. Being a song writer is a gift, however you are always putting your heart and soul out to be judged. One part of the documentary was about loving someone and how it doesn’t matter how long the relationship was, the feeling determines if it is real. This recording is the original first recording, with my laptop and guitar, not long after I wrote ‘Love is Real’.
Purpose In Life
“I woke up one morning at 3am remembering a dream of a huge rock overlooking the Bull River and wrote this song Purpose In Life. Not knowing if this rock existed, I called my parents, as in my younger days my family would ride their horses through Hartley Lake Road to the Bull River. When my mom and dad confirmed there was such a place, we headed out for a trip to the Bull! Finding the rock was so amazing! The song is about what our ‘Purpose in Life’ is; fulfilling this purpose can be challenging, but we are on this earth for a reason. Sometimes that requires us to ‘Go out on a limb’, out of what we presume to be normal. The resemblance of the rock in my dream……It was very scary being or thinking of going out there. Once we were there, it was the most amazing, peaceful view.”
I Will Survive
“My life has gone down many roads, some that are great and some that seem to be bad. All roads are life lessons; the trick is to keep going. 2012 was a very challenging year for me, I had a breakdown, then lost my job, dissolved a recording contract and my marriage was falling apart. The only way for me to get through (or survive) it to put it in a song.”
It Get’s Better Over Time
“After I left my husband, I was living in a camper at my sister’s yard. I left everything behind. My only hope was to have my children with me and start over. Divorce is very hard. I am sure it is more challenging for the children that are bounced around. I choose to put my children first and not allow my hurt soul to get in the way. However that ‘hurt’ can be so deep, it is almost unbearable. This song was recorded at home, was not finished, but I put it on this album so it didn’t get lost in the shuffle of duds; the feeling was too great.”
Losing Me
“Once again this precious song is included. This is how the song originally started, me and a piano.”